Social Media Can Wait


If you’ve been following along, then you’d know I got engaged 11 days ago. And if you haven’t…. TADA! I’m engaged 

I felt compelled to write about why we waited to make the announcement and why I highly recommend couples do the same. My fiancé and I decided to wait a few days before telling our family and closest friends, and then a week before telling the world.

Best. Decision. Ever. And here’s why…

Have you ever stopped to evaluate just how much time and energy we spend on social media? How about how many of the decisions we make or the events we choose to attend are driven by the “brand” we are presenting on Instagram or Facebook? Meaning, you may pass up an awesome experience just because it’s not “cool” enough for your followers.

Well, I certainly have and think about such things often, especially now that I have a blog. Crafting the perfect post and the perfect picture takes a lot of time, like going out of my way in Los Angeles to visit the coffee shop with latte art pictured above  Which, by the way, was THE best cup of coffee I’ve ever had AND the foam tasted yummy.

Because so many intimate moments of our lives are now public, I didn’t want to spend time sitting on my phone, answering texts & calls and checking my notifications. I didn’t want the feeling of “OH MY GOSH, WE ARE ENGAGED” to be fleeting… to last only one day and not feel special the next. And I certainly didn’t want to look back on that day and regret not prioritizing my fiancé.

Quite frankly, I barely touched my phone the entire week because I was so focused on letting the feeling of marrying my best friend sink in while enjoying our trip to California.


Plus, our trip became even more fun because we were always thinking of ways to hide my hand in pictures and of ways to make the announcement aka Vince wanted to “leak it like a Kardashian” and see if anyone noticed. Our family and friends joined the fun as well by adding sly comments or replying to our sneaky snaps with amusement.

We decided to notify the digital world on our way back to Cleveland when we were both bored at the airport and didn’t feel bad about being on our phones to reply to our friends. In that moment, the same excitement I had when saying YES came rushing in, making me feel special and on cloud nine yet again. We couldn’t believe how much love and support came our way, and our hearts felt ten times bigger knowing this IS real — not a dream.

All-in-all, I stand and will stand by our decision for the rest of my life. Instead of worrying about Instagram, I rejoiced in how special our trip was and how fortunate we were to have found each other in this materialistic, fabricated world. If you are reading this and you just got engaged this second (CONGRATS), or you are on your way there, consider placing the social media post last on your list and take the time to celebrate YOU AND YOUR BAE. Trust me, you will feel even more special down the line if you wait.

Your worth is not based on “likes” or “followers;” put God, yourself and your family first, and in loving them and vice versa, you will feel invincible.

